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Ingin Tahu Surat Rekomendasi Kerja yang Baik dan Profesional? Ini Dia 6 Contohnya

Ingin Tahu Surat Rekomendasi Kerja yang Baik dan Profesional ? Ini Dia 6 Contohnya seseorang akan sering dimintai untuk melampirkan surat rekomendasi ketika melamar kerja atau sendang mengurus dokumen. Meski demikian, tidak semua orang tahu hal itu. Dari sinilah melihat contoh Surat Rekomendasi Kerja mutlak dilakukan. 

Surat rekomendasi kerja biasanya dibuat oleh seorang pimpinan atau pejabat tertentu. Isinya keterangan tentang seseorang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang ada.Fakta ini biasanya diisi dengan data sesuai permintaan dari orang yang meminta surat rekomendasi tersebut.

Menurut Indeed, surat rekomendasi digunakan untuk menjelaskan skill, kinerja atau capaian akademik seseorang. Secara umum, surat rekomendasi dipergunakan untuk keperluan pribadi perseorangan untuk melancarkan suatu tujuan.

Baca Juga: Antara Bullet Journalling atau Digital Journalling, Tentukan Pilihanmu!

Pada umumnya, seorang pemimpin akan memberikan surat rekomendasi berdasarkan catatan perusahaannya terhadap orang yang meminta surat rekomendasi tersebut. Surat rekomendasi pun memiliki berbagai tujuan mulai dari surat rekomendasi kerja sampai juga rekomendasi untuk pembuatan visa.

Di artikel ini, telah merangkum beberapa contoh surat rekomendasi kerja yang perlu kamu ketahui. Yuk, simak sampai tuntas !

Contoh Surat Rekomendasi Kerja

Sebagai dokumen pelengkap CV, kamu tentu saja diperbolehkan untuk meminta surat rekomendasi kerja dari perusahaan lama.

Surat ini bertujuan agar perusahaan yang kamu lamar mengetahui kinerja kamu selama bekerja di perusahaan sebelumnya. Dari sinilah kesempatan diterima di tempat kerja akan berpeluang besar melalui adanya surat rekomendasi dari perusahaan sebelumnya itu. 

Dikutip dari Livecareer, di bawah ini adalah beberapa contoh surat rekomendasi dari perusahaan yang paling sering digunakan.

1. Contoh surat rekomendasi kerja berbahasa Indonesia

Jumat, 28 Januari 2023 

Nama Penerima: Marketing Manager PT. Sentosa Budi 

Alamat Kantor Penerima: Jalan. Parangtritis 1, 12260

Selamat Siang, bapak/ibu Marketing Manager di tempat

Bersamaan dengan surat ini, saya hendak merekomendasikan mantan bawahan saya Hendra Wijaya, untuk mengisi posisi Senior Content Writer di perusahaan Sentosa Budi.

Sebelumnya, Hendra sudah bekerja sebagai Content Writer di perusahaan UWX selama 2 tahun. Selama masa tersebut, saya terkesan dengan kemampuan dan penampilannya secara keseluruhan. Dia mampu menunjukkan performa terbaiknya secara konsisten.

Hendar sendiri merupakan seorang karyawan yang adaptif. Ia dapat diandalkan dan tidak segan untuk membantu rekan kerjanya. Skill leadershipnya dan interpersonalnya pun tak bisa diragukan.

Saya yakin, Hendra bisa menjadi aset yang berharga bagi tim dan perusahaan Anda, sebagaimana ia telah menjadi salah satu aset terbaik kami.

Silahkan hubungi saya jika ingin mendiskusikan pengalaman serta performa Hendra secara lebih lanjut.

Hormat saya,

Nafis J. Samorano

2. Contoh surat rekomendasi berbahasa Inggris

Friday, January 28 2023

Manager of Marketing PT. Sentosa Budi

Jalan. Parangtritis 1, 12260

To whom it may concern,

It is with great pleasure that I strongly recommend Hendra Wijaya for the Senior Content Writer position at PT. Sentosa Budi.

First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Nafis J. Samorano, a Content Lead from PT. UWX. I have worked for nearly 5 years in this industry and saw many young professionals come and go, but Rudi is one individual who uniquely stands out.

During his time working as Content Writer in PT. UWX, Hendra displayed exceptional talents in writing copies and blog articles. When we first met, I was immediately impressed by Hendra. But the during the time we worked together, his understanding of content writing grew far more than that of his peers.

It’s not just his technical skills that blew me away. Working with Hendra is also joyful because of his positive and friendly attitude. His problem solving and analytical skills are also necessary to get the job done.

I am absolutely confident that Rudi will become a great fit for your team. Not only will he bring the kind of skills and experiences that you’re looking for, but Hendra will also become a huge asset for your company.

Please give me a call if you would like to discuss more about Rudi’s experiences and skills.


Nafis J. Samorano.

3. Contoh surat rekomendasi manager

Friday, April 10 2022

Manager of Marketing PT. Sentosa Budi

Jalan. Parangtritis 1, 12260

Dear Hiring Manager,

This letter is written to recommend Hendra Wijaya for the position of Senior Content Writer at PT. Sentosa Budi.

In my capacity as Marketing Lead of PT. UWX, I had the privilege of working with Hendra and benefiting from his skills and professionalism.

Hendra is an exceptional writer with a keen eye for detail. He genuinely cares about his work and has showed a stellar performance this past 2 years. Since he joined us, Hendra has also increased our productivity and revenue rate, which is not easy to accomplish as a young Content Writer in this industry.

Hendra also has extremely valuable computer and analytical skills, which made him a suitable writer for the upcoming modern years. His friendly, go-to attitude makes him a joy to have around.

With that being said, I am confident that Hendra will become a great asset for your team and PT. Sentosa Budi. If you’re interested, you can reach me via email to discuss more about Hendra’s skills and experiences.

Best Regards,

Nafis J. Samorano.

4. Contoh surat rekomendasi magang

Friday, January 28 2023

HRD of PT. Maju Mundur Kena

Jalan. Parangtritis 1, 12260

Good Afternoon, HRD Representative of PT. Sentosa Budi

Let me introduce myself, I am Andreas Vilanova, Content Manager at PT. ABh. I am here to recommend Allam Akbar for the Content Writer Intern position at PT. Sentosa Budi.

Allam worked in the marketing department at PT. Abh under my supervision back in 2020. During that time, I developed a high regard for Allam based on his outstanding contributions for our company.

Allam has been our most productive intern. He exhibited a rare combination of both speed and efficiency that has enabled him to produce quality content for our readers.

Allam has also impressed me with his amazing organizational, problem solving, and analytical skills, which I think made him such a perfect writer for the upcoming future of marketing. He has also demonstrated good interpersonal skills, which made him such a joy to have around.

As you can tell, I am super impressed by Allam’s skills and experience. I really think that he will be a suitable Content Writer Intern in your team.

Baca Juga: Tingkatkan Retensi Pelanggan dengan Model Bisnis Freemium

If you want to discuss more about Sandi’s experiences and achievements, please give me a call at 0888666755.

Best Regards,

Andreas Vilanova.

5. Contoh surat rekomendasi pembuatan visa

Surabaya, January 28 2023

No: –

Re: Employment Letter for Visa Application

The Embassy of The Kingdom of Netherlands

Surabaya, Indonesia

Dear Sir/Madam

We would like to take the opportunity to request your kind assistance to grant a tourist visa for:

Name: Nafis J. Samorano

Employee Number: 156068797

Position: Regional Content Lead

First Commence: 19 January, 2018

Passport No: 666777888

Valid Thru: 19 January, 2025

He will travel in the Netherlands on July 23, 2023 until August 2, 2023. He will visit Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Groningen, and Utrecht. Any expenses regarding this travel will be his own responsibility.

I can assure that he is an employee that has many responsibilities in our company. Based on his current salary, he can support his own travels in the Netherlands. Therefore, he will not look for a vacant job position whilst travelling in the Netherlands. After the trip is finished, he will come back here to Indonesia.

For your information, our company lies in the FMCG market, by the name of PT. UWX. Our company has spread towards the southeast asia, and has offices in the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. We have sold many daily products with amazing quality since 1967. Our main office is in Surabaya, Jl. Colombo 10, 18989.

We hope that The Embassy of The Kingdom of Netherlands will grant his visa. Thank you for the attention and consideration.


John Lewis

Head of Regional Marketing, PT. UWX

6. Contoh surat rekomendasi pindah tugas

Friday, April 28 2023

Mahendra Cipta, Content Lead PT. UWX Franchise 3

Jalan. Kenanga 3, 15550

Dear Mr. Mahendra Cipta

It was such a joy to have Hendra Wijaya on as Content Writer since he joined PT. UWX back in 2020.

During his tenure here, he has exceeded the expectations from his editors and me. More spesifically, I was astonished by the way he quickly learned the ropes and handled his duties.

Baca Juga: Tingkatkan Retensi Pelanggan dengan Model Bisnis Freemium

He was a popular staff and was the go-to worker when his fellow associates needed help or advice.

Although I’m devastated to see him go, I can say with confidence that Hendra will be a valuable asset as Content Writer for your team at PT. UWXFranchise number 3.

If you would like me to elaborate more regarding Hendra’s skills, please reach me via


Nafis J. Samorano, Content Lead PT. UWX Franchise 1

Demikianlah beberapa contoh surat rekomendasi kerja yang bisa menjadi acuanmu. Intinya, seorang karyawan berhak meminta surat rekomendasi dari perusahaan di tempat mereka bekerja apa pun tujuannya. Jangan lupa untuk ajukan surat menggunakan contoh yang telah sediakan di atas, ya, jika ingin terlihat profesional.